The name of the Aurora Golden Gala was chosen in a nationwide internet-based 'Name the Apple Contest' put on by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The Aurora was developed in the Okanagan Valley, and is a cross between the Golden Delicious and the Royal Gala.
Auroras are medium to large in size with a cream to yellowy coloured skin. Because we are in the North Okanagan, the nights can be cooler, which can display a nice pinky blush over the outside of the apple.
The flesh is very crisp, juicy and cream to pale yellow in colour. It is sweet, mild, and tastes absolutely fresh in flavour with a light honey and tropical flavouring.
The Aurora is Grandpa Bob's favourite Apple!
Harvest Availability
The Aurora is picked in mid September, and will be available till mid-late October.
Best uses
The Aurora is best known as a dessert apple, meaning that its flavour is best enjoyed fresh. You can eat it on its own, use it in a salad, or maybe even apple nachos!
The thin skin of the Aurora bruises easily and their cut flesh brown quickly, so use a bit of extra TLC when handling these amazing apples. Keep them cool and you will find they are an excellent storage apple.